Saturday, November 5, 2011

Reader Response

 The United Farm Workers are currently working against banning methyl iodide on a 5-acre farm outside the town of Santa Maria on California’s central coast. Besides causing cancer, the methyl iodide may also cause late-term miscarriages and permanent neurological damage. According to some scientists, it is the most venomous chemical on earth. Although the Santa Clara County has approved the application of this chemical, it has been postponed by the authorities. Unfortunately, since the postponement is temporary, the use of this chemical can be permitted at anytime. The farmers are in danger the most because they are exposed twice to methyl iodide during the fumigation process. The neighboring communities and children are also at risk, for the pesticide is airborne and can drift to other places. I am a bit shocked that the application to use this pesticide even got approved to begin with. The board was given the list of hazards by the state’s own independent Scientific Review Committee that this pesticide is not a safe product, and yet they did not even showed any signs of hesitation before allowing the farmers to use the venom in strawberries. Do they really care about money so much that they are willing to risk the lives of many individuals? Throughout history, we have seen many people and their families pay the price for another man’s decision. It is besides me that people cannot take a lesson from the past and work towards making the lives of others better. Fruits are supposed to enrich with antioxidants that prevent cancer, not pesticides that cause cancer. Jerry Brown, the California’s governor, also has the power to ban this chemical. In fact, he even promised that he would “take a fresh look” at the Schwarzenegger Administration’s controversial decision to allow the pesticide for agricultural use upon entering the office.  Many people are urging the governor to ban this pesticide for the well-being of community. I would be truly be sickened and appalled if this chemical is permitted. It seems like as the technology and science grows, more pesticides are born and permitted, which gives rise to other form of diseases. The foods that were once considered “healthy” may now be a death sentence—especially if pesticides are used to grow them. However out of all this chaos, it is nice to see that UFW is working towards banning this chemical by urging Governor Brown to take an action and make a difference. When it comes to health, the cost should not matter; nobody can replace the value of a human being.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for spreading the word on this important issue. You make some excellent points, especially about how fruit is supposed to help us fight cancer because of anti-oxidants, not give us cancer because of man-made chemical concoctions. Don't let your friends and family buy/eat non-organic strawberries and maybe some day soon the farmworkers will no longer have to be exposed, first hand, to this dangerous chemical.
